![Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil](images/sub_header_trummel_brush.jpg)
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Our production facility at the Seneca AgBio Green Energy Park redeveloped a portion of the former Seneca Army Depot in Seneca County, where we now produce the first Finger Lakes grape seed oil. Seneca BioEnergy, LLC, the parent company of Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil, developed its Seneca AgBio Green Energy Park as a regional complex to attract environmentally sustainable agri-businesses and renewable energy companies, who share our values for shifting regional focus to sustainable manufacturing and agriculture, allowing us to produce soybean and canola oil, agricultural meals, biodiesel, biomass and manufactured soils, as well as grape seed oil.
We embrace the green energy movement and are bringing products to the marketplace that reinforce our commitment. We are committed to the interdependencies of local agriculture, environmental stewardship and renewable energy production. Why? Because our future depends on it!
We have developed mutually beneficial arrangements with our Partner Wineries whereby removal of their pomace is completed without interrupting their grape pressing operations during the busy harvest season. In return the Partner Wineries receive significantly discounted wholesale pricing for our valuable grape seed oil products to be sold from their wineries. In this way, we are assured a steady supply of local grape pomace, the wineries have an alternative waste management approach for their pomace, and we provide another local grape-derived product to be sold in their wineries, where they purchase at a discounted price – our Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil, which they can purchase at a discounted price.
There are many regional Finger Lakes wineries, local food distributors and health food retailers who are not currently involved in our pomace management program but are Participating Retailers, who carry and sell our Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil. We sell our product at wholesale pricing to these retailers, and we are grateful for the growing network of “savor local” food retailers and wineries in the Finger Lakes. Of course, we welcome your direct purchase of our Grape Seed Oil products from our website – just click on the BUY NOW section and we will ship products directly to you.
The Corporate mission of Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil is to support agribusinesses throughout the region by processing local agricultural products and wastes in order to produce high value natural oils. We are dedicated to helping these farms and businesses create an environmentally sustainable future for Upstate New York, while producing high value products for local and regional sales.
State, national and international trends are driving domestic requirements to greatly increase local supplies of agricultural products. That means New York's Finger Lakes region, with its greater than 100 wineries and other agribusinesses, is the ideal home for Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil. The concept of "Savor Local" is growing in popularity in Upstate NY, and Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil has positioned our operations to fit into this natural and local culture.
Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil is a new product in the region and holds great promise, as more people taste and learn about grape seed oil and realize the healthy benefits of this vineyard-derived oil. Just as the region's wines grow in stature and add fans from around the globe, so too has our extra-virgin grape seed oil, which makes excellent use of the seeds, and is a byproduct of the winemaking process.
In particular, Riesling wines from the Finger Lakes are considered among the best in the world. By taking the seeds from these and other grapes of local wineries, Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil is helping to insure the future of Finger Lakes winemaking as a sustainable industry. Our production of another Finger Lakes product, natural and healthy grape seed oils, is adding to the growing popularity of our wine region.
Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil is also a perfect product for an era in which local foods and wines are pairing together more and more in the local food movement. Like local wines, Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil is homegrown and homemade, right down the road. Most of the grape seed oil now available comes from far distant wine producing regions of Europe and west-coast USA. Our grape seed oil will be made locally from the seeds of the grapes of the local wines you know and love throughout the Finger Lakes.
Dedicating our operations to enhanced agricultural products is a corporate philosophy of the "three-legged stool" business model of Seneca BioEnergy, our parent firm of Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil. Our philosophy involves the natural marriage of three interrelated goals, involving enhanced agriculture with renewal energy and environmental stewardship, because we believe that our future depends upon it. Our creation of the local agricultural processing and renewable energy facility will help New York state meet growing trends in alternative energy production and local agricultural profits. We believe that our "vertically integrated" business venture, with agricultural processing and biodiesel production, will achieve our three comprehensive goals.
Seneca BioEnergy pioneered the creation of the first “green energy complex” in New York State at our location at the former Seneca Army Depot in Seneca County. The complex will directly support 500 to 1,000 farms and agricultural businesses in the Finger Lakes region, as well as sell agricultural meal products to the dairy cattle feed industries in the state. Finger Lakes Grape Seed Oil operates within our Seneca AgBio Green Energy Complex, employing local workers, processing local products and wastes, and producing the finest extra virgin, cold pressed, lightly filtered grape seed oil varieties from the Finger Lakes. We are confident that you will enjoy these flavorful and healthy grape seed oils, making them a staple of your natural food diet. You can find them available for purchase here at our webstore, or within numerous local Finger Lakes wineries and many regional NY stores carrying natural foods. visit » more »